Macro Library

addcol.vdm : Adds a column of numbers in a file. First highlight the column of numbers as a block (either stream or columner), call addcol.vdm, addcol.vdm puts the result into Vedit's scratchpad (Text Register 0), user then pastes answer into file.

Will handle non-whole numbers (ie : 2.32).
Will handle numbers formatted with a comma (ie : 1,547).
Will also handle negative numbers.

Modify the line #50=2 to change the number of decimal places to consider.
Does NOT do rounding

bufnext.vdm : Bufnext.vdm is a replacement for file - next buffer in the menu system. If only one buffer is open, it switches to an empty buffer. Else it will just rotate through the open buffers.

changer.vdm : Changer.vdm allows you to perform multiple search & replace operations on multiple files in a directory and optionally it's subdirectories.

To use changer, you setup text files containing the text to search for and the text to replace it with. Search files are named search1.txt, search2.txt, etc Replace files are named replace1.txt, replace2.txt, replace3.txt, etc

So the contents of search1.txt are replaced with the contents of replace1.txt, search2.txt with replace2.txt, and so on. Save these files in your Vedit home folder, or make a one line change to changer.vdm to specify a different folder.

One advantage to changer is it allows large search and / or replace text. Limited only by the size restrictions of text registers.

Macro was developed using the multiple file processing template code in Code Center.

charcase.vdm : Charcase will convert the first letter of each word in a block to upper case. The rest of the letters in each word will be lower case.
chfolder.vdm : chfolder will allow you to change folders using point and shoot. Once you have doubleclicked on the folder you want, you must doubleclick on a filename to actually change folders. No file will be openned.

Limitation : You cannot change to an empty folder.

clipsaved.vdm : Clipsaved saves the contents of the Windows Clipboard to a file called Clipsaved.txt. Clipsaved.vdm works with Vedit's quiet mode.

This is useful when you are browsing the web, or viewing a PDF file and want to save some text for later use. Copy the text to the clipboard, call clipsaved via a Windows Shortcut, and continue browsing.

Shortcut Setup :

Command Line : c:\vedit\vpw.exe -q -x clipsaved.vdm
Start In : c:\"My Documents" ; or other folder you backup regularly.

Use Vedit Plus to create an empty clipsaved.txt, before first use.

commablk.vdm : Commablk will convert a comma delimited block into a HTML table. Useful for converting data exported from a spreadsheet into HTML format.

copyblk.vdm, moveblk.vdm, pasteblk.vdm, & pastecol.vdm : The primary purpose of these macros is for transferring blocks between multiple running copies of Vedit. They use a file called storage.dat for storing a block. Treat them as you would the Windows Clipboard. However they have advantages over either the Vedit scratchpad or Windows Clipboard :

1. You can exit Vedit, without losing the contents of storage.dat
2. You can reboot without losing the contents of storage.dat
3. Keeps Windows clipboard free for transferring blocks to other programs

Copyblk.vdm copies a block to storage.dat
Moveblk.vdm moves a block to storage.dat
Pasteblk.vdm pastes a block from storage.dat
Pastecol.vdm pastes a columnar block from storage.dat

delhtml.vdm : Delhtml is a more advanced version of html-txt.vdm that comes with Vedit. Delhtml will also get rid of any Javascript or VBScript, and the nbsp entries. Saves converted file with a .txt extension.
htmlform.vdm & script.vdm : These two macros are demos for showing how the dialog_input_1 command can be used to assign multiple functions to one key combo. Very useful, if you are running out of key combos to use.

See also "User Tips" for more info.

imgsize.vdm : Imgsize goes through a directory (and optionally it's subdirs) and looks for the HTML IMG SRC tag ; gets the filename of the image, and if it is a .jpeg or .gif will get the image height and width in pixels from the image file ; and insert the height= and width= attributes with the image dimensions in pixels.

Based on the jpeg, and gif subrountines in Code Center, also uses the multiple file processing template.

inshtml.vdm : co-authored by Dr. Friedrich Heberlein and myself. Inshtml.vdm is a more advanced version of txt-html.vdm that comes with Vedit. New features include translating text to ANSI (DOS version of Vedit only) for better compatibility with other languages. Inshtml.vdm will also change the file extension to ".htm", and adds the META tags for keywords and description.
launch.vdm : You use launch.vdm, when you are editing a file that is not associated with Vedit for openning (examples : htm, dbf, doc). When launch.vdm is called, it will cause the file type's native application to launch with the file you are editing loaded. Needs access to the start command that comes with Windows 95/98/NT

For example, if you are editing index.html, and call launch.vdm, your browser will load, and display index.html.

Remember to save the file, just before calling launch.vdm, so you will see the effects of your most recent editing.

lineblk.vdm : Lineblk will highlight the current line as a block. It is different from Block-Set Line Marker in that it will set both the block begin and block end markers in one operation.

mailto.vdm : Mailto is used for inserting live email links into a HTML document.

If no block is highlighted, it asks on the status line for the email address, and then inserts the mailto tag using that address.

if a block is set and the block does NOT contain an @ character, it asks on the status line for the email address, and then inserts the mailto tag around the block using the email address.

if a block is set and the block does contain an @ character, it assumes the block is an email address, and then inserts the mailto tag using the email address.

overlay.vdm : Overlay allows you to overwite or insert a text string at a specific column, for a certain # of lines. If column # or starting line # is not specified, assumes current file position. Also assumes overwrite.
parablk.vdm : Parablk will highlight the current paragraph as a block. It sets both the block begin marker and block end marker. A paragraph is defined as a block of characters with a blank line at the top and at the bottom

parawrap.vdm : If wordwrap is not enabled, parawrap.vdm will turn it on, and format the current paragraph. If wordwrap was off, when parawrap was called, it will turn it off again.
reopen.vdm : Reopen will empty the current buffer, and then reopen the file that was in the buffer from the disk. Think of it as "undo all changes since last save".
rmhtmblk.vdm : Removes HTML code from a highlighted block.

spaceblk.vdm : Spaceblk will convert a space or tab delimited block into a HTML table. Useful for converting columnar data in a text file into HTML format.

stylizer.vdm : Stylizer indents programming code for languages like the Vedit Macro language. Amount of indent is determine by flow control statements encounter in the code. Size of indent can be adjusted by modifying the line #10=4
tex-tbl.vdm : Tex-tbl.vdm is modified from htmltabl.vdm by Fritz Heberlein. Creates an TeX table at current edit position. Prompts for # of rows, & # of columns. Then prompts for data values going across then down: row 1 column 1, row 1 column 2, etc. The debugging of this macro led to the discovery of the Count,n quirk.
whereto.vdm : (for the Windows version of Vedit Plus only) If you use Vedit, like I do, you use it in certain folders most of the time (the vedit home folder, your batch file folder, your local copy of your website, etc).

Whereto uses the dialog_input_1 command to create a macro for quickly switching between these folders. Your most commonly used folder are just one of two button click away. Also features the ability to type in a folder path and press enter to change to it or click on the ? button. Submenus are possible and recommended.

Macro needs to be modify to match your directory structure. You will want to assign this macro to both a keystroke and also put it in your user menu, so you may access it either using the keyboard or the mouse.
wordswap.vdm : Wordswap will swap two words or short phrases thoughout a buffer. For example : if word 1 is buyer and word 2 is seller, all occurrences of buyer will become seller and all occurrences of seller will become buyer.
wordwrap.vdm : Wordwrap toggles wordwrap on and off with each use.

xmlins.vdm : Use xmlins.vdm to quickly insert a XML or HTML tag. It asks on the status line for the tag text, then asks if you want the tag on or off. Xmlins.vdm will then add the "<" and ">" and also capitalize the tag text.

Syntax Highlighting Files

xml.syn : XML.syn is a fool-proof highlighting file for XML and HTML files. Any tag will be highlighted. For Example, I like yellow on blue for regular text, so I have the tags come up as white on blue. When I am viewing HTML / XML files then, the tags stand out.

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